River City FC Promise Program

Through the RCFC Promise Program, RiverCity FC is working to promote and develop a broad range of soccer opportunities that enhance character, community, and the love of the game of soccer for local youth. Integrated in this mission is the building of the core values of River City FC, passion, dedication, respect, and growth.

River City FC, through the RCFC Promise Program, offers financial assistance to those players from families that have a documented financial need. Information submitted for financial assistance consideration is kept strictly confidential. 

All Financial Assistance awards are intended to fill the gap between what a family can afford to pay and what is required for participation such as club fees, uniform fees, tournament registration, etc.

It is expected that ALL players will contribute something towards these financial requirements. Only in extremely rare circumstances will a players financial obligations be covered completely through a Financial Assistance award. If at any time during the season a player has fallen behind on payments to River City FC the player will not be able to participate in team training or any games. This policy is strictly enforced. 


As a non-profit organization, the goal of the RCFC Promise financial assistance program is to assist low-income families or families with extraordinary temporary circumstances. Awards will be made based on the following criteria: 

  • Household Income
  • Families with Single Parents
  • Employment of Both Spouses
  • Extenuating medical or family hardships 

How To Apply

1. Complete the application by June 30 by either completing and submitting the online form or downloading, completing and returning the application and documents to:

                River City FC
                43 Tyler Ave
                St. Louis, MO 63119

2. Emailed to: financialaid@rivercityfc.com

3. Check email for award information.

Award information will be emailed to all families and Assistance amount will be applied automatically to the player or players registration.

Online Application Printable Application

The River City FC Promise Program relies upon sponsorships and donations.  Please consider donating so that we can continue to assist families and players who are in need.

Donate Now

River City FC Promise Program To Date


Families Helped 


In Assistance Awarded

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