The following standards are established by River City FC and govern the behavior of all River City FC parents/guardians, before, during and after RCFC events:
First and foremost, I understand that as a parent/guardian/fan I am a representative of River City FC and as such must conduct myself in a manner befitting the values of the club at all times during club related activities and events.
1. I understand that being a part of River City FC is a commitment and understand that my child is part of a team. I understand that this means my child is to be present at all practices, games, and other events River City FC takes part in barring extenuating circumstances and after proper communication with their coach.
2. I will not be a sideline coach or referee. I will provide positive reinforcement, care, and encouragement to my child and his/her teammates. I will also refrain from making negative comments to my child or his/her teammates.
3. I will encourage fair play and good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every practice, game, or tournament.
4. I will learn the rules of the game for my child’s age group and the policies of the league.
5. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of a personal desire to win.
6. If my child develops a behavior-related problem that repeatedly disrupts practices and/or games, I promise to work with my child’s coach to resolve that problem.
7. I will support coaches and officials who instruct my child in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
8. I will not sit or stand on the coaches’ and players’ sideline during a match.
9. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from River City FC events.
10. I will demand a soccer environment for my child free of drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and will refrain from their use at all practices and games.
11. I will remember that the game is for my child and his/her teammates, not for the adults, and will do my best to make soccer enjoyable for my child.
12. I promise to treat other fans, coaches, players, and officials with respect, regardless of race, sex, or ability.
13. I will refrain from discussing any issues about a game with the referee or linesman at any time. This includes a call or lack of a call, before, during or after a game, and includes at the field or away from it.
14. I will respect the coaches and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches prior, during or after practices or games. I will adhere to a policy of waiting for a minimum of 24 hours after any game before setting up a meeting with a coach or director.
The RCFC Board will have the authority to discipline any player or parent/legal guardian who has violated any of the above guidelines or whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interest of RCFC activities.
Discipline violations could include but is not limited to the following:
Warning: The offending person is advised of the nature of the offenses and informed that further violations will result in a more severe penalty, or
Probation: The offending person is given a written warning and enters a period of probation to be determined by the Board, or
Suspension: The offending person is suspended from participating in RCFC activities for a length of time to be determined by the Board. If the offending person should cause a coach to receive a red card and thus be ineligible to coach one or more games, the offender should also be suspended for at least the same period of time.
Bar: The offending person is barred from future participation in RCFC activities to the end of the season at a minimum. A violator can only be reinstated by the approval of the RCFC Board of Directors. In addition to the above disciplinary options, any person ejected from a game is ineligible to return to the field for the next scheduled game of their team and any person ejected from a game twice in one season is automatically suspended from participating in any RCFC sponsored activities until such a time as they are reinstated by the RCFC Board.
Any person subject to disciplinary action will be informed in writing by the Board and may review their conduct and have the right to appear before the Board to explain their conduct before disciplinary action is imposed. The decision regarding disciplinary action will be communicated within seven (7) days of the review. No person subject to disciplinary action will be entitled to a refund of the registration fee, or any fee associated with this program.